SCI, Servicios de Consultoría Independiente, S.L. (Independent Consulting Services Ltd.) is the company that owns Arquero Corporate System® which maintenance, evolution and commercialization represent the center of its activity.
Born in 2000 as a spin-off of the Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), nowadays it has become a consolidated Spanish company dedicated to Integration, Consulting and Information Technology Services, with more than 20 years of experience in the field of physical security and systems management.
SCI has a team composed mostly of engineering and technical professionals with solid training and proven experience in the different IT specialities.
With a vocation for technological innovation, while adding value to customer processes through partnerships with leading distributors nationwide and internationally.
In addition to its activity in the national and European market, since 2010 the company has a presence in Latin America serving the entire region with permanent office in Bogotá, starting to operate recently also in USA.
Hand in hand with these two main facts, its alliance with first class distributors and international expansion towards Latin America, SCI growth in recent years has been constant.
As a product of its constant R&D commitment and its taste for technological challenges, Arquero has become in its almost 20 years of existence much more than an integration software platform with associated services.
Arquero is first and foremost a SOLUTION for its clients. A solution in a broad sense, dedicated to respond to both: vertical problems related to specificity in mulltiple sectors of activity, and horizontal problems by size and complexity of corporations and their facilities.
INNOVAtive sme
SCI, Servicios de Consultoría Independiente, S.L. (Independent Consulting Services Ltd.), thanks to Arquero Corporate System® development, has obtained the official recognition of Innovative SME by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain.
"Innovative SME" or "R&D&I intensive SME" is considered to be the SME that in recent years has carried out activities in the field of Research, Technological Development or Technological Innovation (R&D&I).
“Innovative SME” seal means the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain recognizes you as an accredited innovative company.

Since its creation, SCI (Independent Consulting Services Ltd.) has guided the development, maintenance, evolution and commercialization of Arquero Corporate System® towards full customer satisfaction and continuous improvement both in its products and services as well as in its business processes.
This commitment to our customers and the products and services we offer to them is manifested in the implementation, regarding our installation and maintenance activities of Arquero Physical Security Integration Systems (PSIM), of a Quality Management System certified in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 standards.